Participate in a fresco

Workshop reserved for the general public allowing them to understand and understand the essential causes, consequences and solutions of desertification.
Can't find a workshop that suits you? Complete the following form and we will contact you.
Fill in the formAre you a company, an institution or an individual? Do you want to organize a workshop in your structure? Please make your request by clicking above/below.

Become a facilitator

You don’t need to be an expert to become a facilitator! All you need is to have participated in a Desertification fresco online or in person and to follow a 3-hour training course.
Thanks to this training, you will be able to run your own workshops in those around you and will naturally become an ambassador for the fight against desertification!
To register for the animation of a fresco, you must first have participated as a participant.
Join the association

Membership is open to any natural or legal person wishing to join our union and sharing our values.